Engage Gretchen in a talk, as a keynote speaker, or to lead conversations for deeper, more immersive learning. In person or virtually, she promises to spur new thinking, conversation, and a renewed passion to become a better leader. Gretchen uses select parts of her books, based on your needs, to create a dynamic and interactive learning experience.

Gretchen’s approach is friendly, energizing, strategic, creative, and visionary, and is the culmination of a lifetime of learning. ​

Interested in using Gretchen? Email her,​ and she’ll mail you a copy of her books at no cost.


"Gretchen was our guest speaker at our annual meeting last year. I was told by many she was by far the best speaker the chapter has ever hosted. Gretchen has the ability to connect to various people in the audience and make it relevant and meaningful to all, even with more than 100 people in the room. Not only did we walk away with copies of her books but also with the steps to take to improve our own leadership skills.”

​ Jill Pawlik, President, Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives

“Gretchen’s books and associated training modules on the responsibility of leadership lay the groundwork for managers. ​ Everything is in an easy-to-use format and is thought and action provoking. I would highly recommend her for group management training."

Anne Constantino, President and CEO, Horizon Corporations